Well, things didn't go exactly as hoped for in my last blog entry. I was able to move onboard the drill ship this past Friday, and the drill ship met all minimum requirements for transit yesterday. Today, 3/24/14 at 7:00AM we finally set sail for Singapore. It has been a hectic past few days aboard the Deepwater Invictus as crews and personnel have been scrambling to meet departure requirements. My main role as an operations engineer is optimization, and one of my tasks is to track performance and timing of our operations. So I have been busy setting up my work station, adjusting to my new team, gathering and tracking information from all of the departments onboard, planning for upcoming equipment/system tests that must be performed during transit, attending regular safety and operational meetings throughout the day, and trying to find my way around this new rig. Things will slow down, but for now I feel like I can never fully catch up on all there is to do. All that aside, it is great to be moving forward!
So let me try to catch you guys with a few highlights over the last few days. As a last hoorah in Okpo, one of my supervisors took our team out to dinner at a small, unassuming local restaurant that served large, imposing crabs from abroad. Crabs so large you truly needed two hands to pick them up.
Two of these monsters left all 6 of us in a crab saturated state of contentment. It was definitely a memorable experience for me. The following day, I packed my bags and drove to the harbor to board a crew change boat and make my way out to the Invictus, anchored a short ways offshore.
The rig crew lowered a gangway from the main deck to our crew boat that allowed us to climb aboard.
In addition to managing operations, we also have to suffer through things like cake cutting ceremonies. This morning after the ship departed, Transocean and BHPB representatives came together for a cake cutting ceremony in the galley to celebrate the milestone.
This was a fairly quick rundown, but I need to call it a night here. More to come! The map below shows the route we will be following in transit to Singapore.
Sunset view while anchored offshore of Okpo.
Also, I was looking in all the wrong places...Before I departed, I finally found the local gym in Okpo, located a couple kilometers up the trail to one of the highest peaks in the area.
Over and out.